MACIL and MNSILC are proposing that each center for independent living conduct an internal contest for the development of a creative independent living tagline & logo design.  The intention is to have consumers intimately involved in developing the tagline/logo.  The vision is for each CIL to maintain their individuality yet develop a unifying tagline/logo that can be used & shared among the Minnesota Independent Living Network that clearly shows our connections related to the “IL Way”.

Some good examples include:

  • The ND CILs all share a tagline-“We Do Disability Right” in their individual CIL brochures. (see attached)
  • Touchstone Energy Cooperatives-

Branding is encouraged that integrates both visual design and the unique independent living brand or message.  Examples include (Nothing about us, without us! Living my life as I choose!).

Each CIL will decide on one logo/tagline design submitted by September 15st.  It is encouraged that each CIL reward their internal winning submission at their own discretion.

Each CIL would submit their top design to Jo at MNSILC by September 30th.  A meeting will be set to judge the 8 submissions.  A panel consisting of MNSILC and MACIL representatives will choose the winning logo/tagline.

The ‘Minnesota Independent Living Network’ is the entire Independent Living community including individuals with disabilities, the Minnesota Statewide Independent Living Council (MNSILC), the eight Minnesota Centers for Independent Living (CILs), the Department of Employment and Economic Development/Vocational Services (DEED/VRS) and the Minnesota State Services for the Blind (SSB).

The Minnesota Independent Living Network encourages independence, empowerment, choice, consumer control, peer mentoring, and governance and planning by people with disabilities.   The Centers for Independent Living provide programs and supports so the individuals with disabilities can take control of their life and live the life of their choosing.

The Minnesota Statewide Independent Living Council advances the philosophy of independent living and promotes the integration and full inclusion of people with disabilities into Minnesota communities.

Information about the eight Minnesota center for independent living and independent living can be found on the MACIL website at  Centers for Independent Living support services for all disabilities, all ages.

Criteria for submitting logo design and tag line

  • The name, tag line and/or design should represent the collective network of organizations, councils, agencies and individuals that promote independent living and choice for people with disabilities in Minnesota.
  • The tag line should be short, precise and memorable
  • The logo design should be representative of the heart and soul independent living
  • The name, tag line and/or logo should represent a vision for the future
  • Minnesota should be reflected in word or design
  • An acronym, if used, it should be easy to say, be memorable and self-explanatory
  • Submissions should be in one of the following formats: jpeg, Word, Adobe
  • Submissions should include the designers name, address, phone number and email address
  • Submit your design to the Center for Independent Living that serves your county. If you are unsure of where that center is, visit the MACIL website
  • All designs and art work should be submitted to the center by September 15th.
  • MACIL/MNSILC has the right to separately select a logo design and tag line.
  • The MACIL/MNSILC committee has the right to select color and font size for the final logo and tag line.
  • All submissions become the property of MACIL/MNSILC.
  • There are no royalties related to submissions. There will be a license agreement for the design chosen;
  • Questions? Contact the Executive Director at the Center for Independent Living that serves your county or Jo Erbes at or  612-518-1497.

Suggested Web Resources

Minnesota Association of Centers of Independent Living (MACIL):

Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development/Vocational Rehabilitation Services:

Minnesota Statewide Independent Living Council (MNSILC):

Minnesota State Services for the Blind (SSB):