Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Independent Living Services Vocational Rehabilitation Community Partner

Staff will work with individuals one-on-one to teach employment related skills that promote independent living.

Possible areas of training include, but are not limited to:


Connect with Trista at 320-281-2047 or Tristas@independentlifestyles.org

Independent Lifestyles’ Vocational Rehabilitation Program consists of 4 separate services. It is a partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation Services supporting Consumers with any disability towards successeful long-term employment

Benefits Coaching:

Assists Consumers in learning and understanding their benefits and how work affects those benefits.

Independent Living Services:

Supports Consumers with skills as they relate to employment and career success.

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS):

Works with individuals in grade 9 through age 21 preparing students for their transition from school to adulthood and employment including: Job Exploration Counseling, Post-Secondary Education Counseling, Workplace Readiness Training, Instruction in Self-Advocacy and Work-Based Learning Experiences.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA):

Completes educational employment interviews for people of all disabilities earning sub-minimum wage in center-based jobs. People learn about their rights and access to competitive, integrated employment with higher wages.